Ladies and Gentlemen,
based on the statistical data indicating a decrease in COVID-19 infections in our country and, above all, in our University, I have made the decision to start education in the summer semester 2021/22 on site with elements of remote education and to restore the 1st (yellow) security level. Acknowledging that infections, even if of a milder course and fewer in number, will still occur, isolation and quarantine will be treated as an excused absence from work and classes, and will be grounds for getting the exam date reinstated and the exam session extended. Furthermore, in the event that a student, doctoral student, or employee suspects that they are infected with COVID-19, we recommend that they report for testing immediately, and a certificate of testing (even with a negative result) will be treated as an excused absence from class or work.
I am aware that contracting COVID-19 increases the health risk for people with comorbidities. For an employee, doctoral student, and student facing such a situation, we are introducing the possibility of requesting permission from the dean to work remotely or for the Individual Organisation of Studies.
There are many indications that the virus will stay with us for longer, and our task and concern will be to live with it as safely as possible but to live as fully as we did before the epidemic. Science and acting responsibly on a daily basis will certainly help us to do this.
Be well and stay healthy!
Ryszard Koziołek
Security level
As of 21 February, the COVID-19 security status will again be lowered to level 1 (marked in yellow), as referred to in the Resolution of the Rector of the University of Silesia No. 179 of 16 October 2020. Detailed information on the introduced measures can be found at us.edu.pl/en/uczelnia/status-zabezpieczen-covid-19/poziom-1/.
Classes - general information
- In the summer semester, starting from 21 February 2022, classes will be held on-site with some elements of distance learning.
- Detailed instructions are included in the class schedules prepared by the degree programme directors.
- Lectures in large groups may be held remotely; it is not recommended to require students to attend on-site and remote classes on the same day.
- It is mandatory to wear protective masks covering the mouth and nose during classes and in common spaces. The rules on the use of protective masks may be modified:
- lecturers and students taking part in classes are exempt from the use of masks while speaking;
- lecturers conducting classes or meetings may permit the removal of masks in situations when the nature of the class and tasks performed during such classes would make the use of masks impossible or difficult;
- wearing masks during classes is compulsory for all other individuals, in particular when it is not possible to keep a distance of 1.5 m.
Guidelines for students and doctoral students
- If at least 50% of the class members have been isolated or quarantined, the dean may temporarily introduce a remote form of class.
- In case of suspected symptoms of illness, it is advisable to stay at home and seek medical advice or take a COVID-19 test. A medical certificate or confirmation of the test will be the basis for excusing absence from classes.
- Individuals with special medical conditions (e.g. comorbidities) for whom functioning under the circumstances of the pandemic involves an increased risk are advised to apply for an Individual Organisation of Studies (application form is available at https://us.edu.pl/student/en/studia/tok-studiow-2/ios-czyli-indywidualna-organizacja-studiow/)
Guidelines for academics
- At the request of the person teaching a class, the dean of the faculty may agree to temporarily change the form of classes from on-site to remote in the event of isolation or quarantine of the academic teaching the class, provided that the lecturer submits a request to work remotely.
- In special cases, at the written request of an academic, due to the employee's state of health, the dean may grant permission for the academic to teach remotely in the summer semester of 2021/2022.
Guidelines for non-academic staff employees
- From 21 February 2022 onwards, work will be carried out on site.
- For an indefinite period of time, the possibility of providing work remotely at a ratio of 1/4 (1 day of remote work/4 days of on-site work at the University) is introduced. It is possible to use the days provided for remote working one after another in a cumulative manner (a maximum of 4 days per month).
- In all cases, the provision of remote work is possible as far as the type and manner of the work performed permits.
- The decision on assigning remote work and the organisation of work in a subordinate unit is made by the employee's immediate superior.
- If it is necessary to assign remote work for more than 1 day, the decision is made by the Chancellor at the request of the immediate superior.
Other activities
Events, mobility, and organisational meetings may be held in a traditional format while maintaining the sanitary regime. If you have any doubts or questions concerning the organisation of meetings, you can contact covid@us.edu.pl.