On 27 October 2021, the Regulation of the Rector of the University of Silesia No. 184/2021 came into force modifying the scope of security measures introduced at the University of Silesia due to COVID-19. The University currently operates under the 1st level of security. Some of the rules implemented within this level have been changed.
The update includes the rules of basic sanitary rigour and general guidelines applicable within the university buildings, including dormitories.
All students and employees of the University of Silesia are required to cover their nose and mouth when in the presence of other people. Exempt from this rule are only lecturers, students, and doctoral students when speaking during class. Meetings in small groups (up to 5 people) may be held without covering the mouth and nose, provided that all participants agree.
Classes for students are held on site, unless otherwise indicated in the schedule. The same rule applies to exams, credits, consultations, and office hours. In justified cases, it will be possible to carry out these activities remotely.
Any issues related to submitting documents or contacting people in connection with the organisation of studies or employee matters can be dealt with in person, but it is recommended to carry out such communication online.
The updated information on security level 1 is available on the COVID-19 security status page. Regulation of the Rector of the University of Silesia No. 184/2021 is available at bip.us.edu.pl.