Dear All,
Last Thursday, there was a meeting of the community of our University regarding the mode of education at the University of Silesia during the current pandemic situation. I am thankful for your participation and substantive conversation. Taking into account your diverse voices, I decide the University functions in the pre-Christmas period as follows:
- 20–22 December 2021 - Rector’s Days (free of classes);
- 17–19 December 2021 - part-time studies classes shall be carried out remotely;
- 20 December 2021 – 05 January 2022 - non-academic employees may work remotely after an agreement with their direct supervisor (the limit of remote days may be abolished for this period, depending on whether a given unit allows for full remote work);
- 23–31 December 2021 are free of work for non-academic employees under the condition that they make up for these days in a term and formula decided after an agreement with their direct supervisor.
Ryszard Koziołek
Rector of University of Silesia in Katowice