Dear Sir/Madam,
In recent days, we have been experiencing an increase in the number of people quarantined due to the COVID-19. Moreover, we notice a common problem of the necessity to take care of one’s children on quarantine and frequent symptoms of seasonal disease, which can affect the functioning of particular administrative units.
Every year, December is a hectic month regarding administrative work; thus, we need to maintain the continuity of our work and enable it to be carried out accordingly to the current pandemic situation.
In order to increase the work flexibility, from 1 December 2021, we introduce new options of carrying out one’s administrative duties, which are crucial in the period.
The options of remote work from 1 December 2021
- From 1 December 2021, it is possible to carry out your work remotely in the 2/3 per week proportion (2 days of remote work/3 days of on-site work at the University).
- The remote work is possible provided that the type and way of performing a particular work enables.
- The decision on mandating remote work and organisation of work in a subordinate unit is made by the employee's direct superior.
- The forms and rules for remote work documentation have not changed. They are available at https://us.edu.pl/pracownik/sprawy-pracownicze/sprawy-kadrowe/druki.
- Cumulative use of the days envisaged for remote work (a maximum of 8 days per month) is possible in certain situations:
- for employees that are being quarantined until they are tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 and the quarantine is cancelled (provided that their superior believes it is necessary to carry out the work);
- for employees whose people living in same the household are quarantined;
- for other cases justified by a superior resulting from the employer needs, e.g. due to the importance of carried out tasks, their crucial meaning to the University, duty to comply with a deadline, or necessity to maintain the continuity of processes crucial to the University's operation.
- We remind you that the employees under full quarantine receive sickness benefits, and performance of their duties can be carried out in justified cases. Performance of the remote work can be possible based upon the request of a direct superior and requires the consent by Chancellor or Vice-Rector a given organisation unit is subordinate to. In the case of research and technology or engineering and technology employees, the consent of a Dean is required.
Overdue leave and remote work
- In the case of employees with an unused leave, a superior may refuse to direct at the remote work and enable it after using the unused leave, depending on the way or work organisation in a unit and the number of priority duties. Pursuant to the Act (Article 15gc of the Act on Special Solutions Related to the Prevention, Counteracting and Combating of COVID-19, Other Infectious Diseases and Crisis Situations Caused by Them; the COVID-19 Act), during the period of an epidemic threat or epidemic, an employer may grant an employee a rest leave not used in the previous calendar years. Leave can be granted for up to 30 days in the period indicated by an employer. Presently, from January 2022, a direct superior has the right to give an employee leave for 2021 without their consent.
We encourage you to make use of your current leaves and remind you that, pursuant to Art. 161 of the Labour Code, the rest leave shall be given to an employee in the calendar year he was entitled to it.
Stay healthy
Ryszard Koziołek